miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014


   Todo tiene su fin, también este blog, hasta acá llegué con el. Hoy se termina la revolución de la banana. Para celebrarlo, este Sabado en mi columna en el programa de radio "Que pasó con Vicente?" hablaremos sobre las mentiras de los totalitarismos vegetarianos.
   La seguimos en  TOXINOBOY-MEDIA.

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014


   Resumen del texto "Por qué no soy vegetariano" por  William T. Jarvis, lo pueden leer completo en http://biblioweb.sindominio.net/escepticos/vegetarianismo.html. No coincido 100% pero es interesante y sincero...

Hoy sus partidarios exhortan a no comer carne no sólo como algo saludable, sino también como una solución al hambre del mundo y como una salvaguardia para la "Madre Tierra".
Sé que las dietas sin carne pueden ser saludables, incluso deseables, para algunas personas. Por ejemplo:
-Los hombres con un gen transportador de hierro estarán mejor sin carne roja, porque contiene los hierro hemo, que es altamente absorbible y puede aumentar su riesgo de enfermedad del corazón. ---Porque es probable que las dietas vegetarianas contengan menos grasa saturada que las dietas no vegetarianas, pueden ser preferibles para las personas con hipercolesterolemia familiar.
-Algunas personas encuentran que el vegetarianismo les ayuda a controlar su peso.
EL TÉRMINO "VEGETARIANO" ES ENGAÑOSO, porque no es un nombre para las personas a quienes agrada el consumo de vegetales, sino una palabra-código para aquellos que les desagrada o protestan sobre el consumo de alimentos de origen animal. El neologismo anticarnivoristas [anticarnes, anticárnicos] es mejor para caracterizar a la mayoría de aquellos que se llaman a sí mismos vegetarianos.
5 tipos de vegetarianos en relación a los alimentos de origen animal que consumen:
1 - Semivegetarianos: consumen los productos lácteos, huevos, pescado, y pollo
2 - Pesco-vegetarianos:
 consumen productos lácteos, huevos, y pescado; lo mismo que los anteriores, pero sin pollo.
3 - Lacto-ovo-vegetarianos: productos lácteos y huevos.
4 - Ovo-vegetarianos: huevos.
5 – Veganos: ninguna comida animal excepto la miel.

5 tipos de vegetarianos desde el punto de vista de su conducta: 1 - Pragmáticos: aquellos cuya conducta dietética proviene de consideraciones de salud objetivas (por ejemplo, hipercolesterolemia u obesidad). Los vegetarianos pragmáticos son racionales
- Ideológicos: Para ellos el vegetarianismo es una "cuestión de principios"; su cumplimiento es un mandamiento.

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014


  Cada vez somos más y mejores, sumate a la revolución de la banana...

  Gracias Hermano Dante !!!


martes, 15 de abril de 2014



 MAnejar al projimo con la culpa no es monopolio de los católicos, parece que todas las religiones tienen su manejo de la culpa, pero no creo que sea algo de la religión, es algo que la gente utiliza para conseguir lo que quiere... Hay una culpa del pobre, hay una culpa de la madre, hay una culpa de los novios y novias, hay una culpa de izquierda, debe haber una por cada tendencia, todos siempre tienen algo que recriminar que no hiciste, no vas a hacer y no estabas interesado en hacer pero no vaya a ser que te sientas bien por hacer lo que hacés o no hacés...
  Y así llegamos a la culpa que me interesa, hay una culpa vegetariana... -Sabes todo el sufrimiento que causas por comer carne, -sabes cuantos millones de años va a tardar en desaparecer la bolsita esa... -por eso nosotros usamos... claro pero vos no, por que no te importa el planeta... -Hay esa pizza hay que tirarla por que tiene jamón y yo soy vegetariana/o y por más que le saques el jamón y lo tires a la basura esa pizza ya no sirve, la arruinaste...-Sabés cuantos chicos pobres podrían haber comido si el alimento para el ganado se lo hubieran dado a los pobres
 Tal vez la culpa es algo de cierto estado mental donde se le recuerda a otro la falta constantemente pensando que eso es educar... tal vez no...

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014


   Cada vez que me resfrio o tengo la nariz medio tapada hago esto...

Me atrevo a decir que los resfrios se me pasan más rapido y estoy más comodo para dormir, otra opción es un nebulizador.
 Y si empezas a chillar de que no conseguís nety pot o que está muy cara, yo no compré nety pot uso una botellita de solución fisiologica que descarto, limpio y reuso... Cuando llegue al verdadero mundo civilizado  me comprare una si puedo... El agua tiene que ser sin cloro, tibia pero que no queme y con un poquito de sal marina, que tenga el sabor de una lagrima, mucha sal te puede arder.
 Es incomodo al principio, pero nada grave, algo así como cuando se te mete agua nadando...

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014


Por que 13 blogs me quedan chicos decidí sacar uno más, quien dice tal vez pronto habrá Toxinoweb?


 Que lo disfruten...

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Yoish! Seguí las plantas de tus pies descalzos.

  Quería resaltar del Q & A de mi post anterior estas frases de mi ex-nuevo ídolo Mick Dodge. Nuevo ex-idolo por que pude encontrar más información sobre él, y su vida salvaje no es como dicen que es. Es un ex-marine,  tiene su casa en la ciudad, no habita dentro de un árbol desde hace 25 años. Y sí señores! vive de lo que el bosque le provee  pero solo durante sus breves incursiones en la naturaleza, luego come pizza, ahorra plata, da workshops y demases... o sea que es puro teatro,  de todas formas es un personaje admirable y excepcional que es capaz de vivir de una manera que yo nunca podría por que no me da el cuero, pero no es lo que aparenta o propone desde el show.
 Hay una intercambio que queria volver a compartir sobre un señor que le pide recomendaciones para vivir al aire libre y su respuesta es impecable.

Hola Mick. Soy un aventurero de fines de semana que pasa mucho tiempo en la ciudad por trabajo. Qué sugerencia o consejos le podés dar a alguien que quiere construir destrezas de supervivencia al aire libre sin estar completamente sumergido en ese "estilo de vida".
 Yoish! Seguí las plantas de tus pies descalzos. Lo primero que pasa cuando te sacas los zapatos, o salis de la caja de zapatos es que tenés que "prestar atención". Luego viene "la aceptación", aprender a aceptar el habitat y los habitos que tenés. Estos dos pasos, atención y aceptación forman una "zancada" (paso largo) de conciencia,  y de lo primero que te tenés que dar cuenta es del "vendedor de zapatos" que te permitió esa zancada, y vos sos tu mejor "vendedor de zapatos".
  * texto original al pie de la nota

 Me hizo acordar a los consejos que me dio Nestor Palmetti cuando le  pedi asesoramiento en ese nuevo camino nutricional que comenzaba en el 2010, le consultaba sobre cuento tiempo me podia durar una crisis depurativa y a quien podia recurrir por guia y asesoramiento, esta fue su respuesta.

 -Claro que hay "crisis depurativas". Cuanto mas rapidas y mas intensas, mejor la recuperación de la salud. No reprima nada. Deje transcurrir naturalmente todos los procesos. Los tiempos de la recuperación y la intensidad de la crisis dependen de la historia personal y cada uno los debe ir observando. Es la forma de aprendernos a conocer.

  No crea que necesita gran asesoramiento. Es solo reconectar con su sabiduría interna. Claro que al principio nos parece un salto al vacio, pero en realidad es "volver a casa".-

* texto original: 
Hi, Mick. I'm a weekend adventurer that spends a lot of time in the city for work. What advice can you offer to someone looking to build practical outdoor survival skills without being totally immersed in the lifestyle?  
 Yoish! Follow your bare soles. The first thing that happens when you step out of shoes, or the shoe box is you have to "pay attention". Then comes "acceptance", learning to accept the habitat and the habits that you have. These two steps, attention and acceptance form into a stride of awareness, and the first thing that you need to be aware of is "shoe salesman" and you are your own best show salesman.

Q & A With Mick dodge for the premiere of the show LEGEND OF MICK DODGE in NAT GEO.

  This is a Q & A for the premiere of the show LEGEND OF MICK DODGE in NAT GEO. In the following lines, a suposed Mick Dodge answer a few questions of his fans an curious ones. source www.reddit.com.

My name is Mick Dodge. 25 years ago I began to step out of shoes and follow my feet and allow the earth to teach and lead me towards the middle path, middle earth. Ask Me anything (self.IAmA)
 por MickDodge
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My short bio: Yoish! Thank you for all your questions, but i am tired of landing my fingers on this computer and and looking at this screen and need a long run in the mountains. If you have more questions: Follow your feet and the earth will teach.Yoish! I am Mick Dodge- barefoot sensei. For my entire life I have been stepping in and out of the wild and the tame. I now live in the Olympic mountains. When in the wild I sleep in tree stumps and live with the land. *My Proof:https://twitter.com/NatGeoChannel/status/420639642916892672
My Life in the Hoh Rainforest is featured in a new series" The Legend of Mick Dodge", which premiers tonight on the National Geographic Channel.
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[–]cadenhead The description for one of the episodes says that you became so desperate for a decent meal that you looked through elk feces hoping to find larvae eggs. How did they taste, and what are some of the more unusual things you've had to eat in the forest?Final del formula
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Yoish! No i was not going to eat elk shit. I was trying to get the camera crew to eat it.
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You're off the grid - How did they find you?
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Yoish! Jenny and Michele of interchange media found me on Whidbey Island living in a tent sharing the earth gym practices, and then two years ago i returned to the Hoh River Valley my teacher and set up a earth gym for people to come and train. It was the band of women at the Olympic Mountains Earth Wisdom Circle that set up all the modern support to connect me in.
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What does Yoish! mean?
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Yoish! Yoish, is a word that my sensei taught me in Okinawa. It can mean many things. It helps me focus. If i am going to pick up a heavy stone and lift it. I use the word "yoish" to focus my attention and effort. then when i am in the game of life and need to get a grip on the moment. I can say "YOISH"deep inside me and ground with the moment.
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If someone had to live in the wild for 2 weeks but could only bring 3 survival items, what 3 items would you recommend?
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Yoish! Knowledge, Skills and desire. They are the three pillars of training.
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I just moved to Colorado to find work and move my mate and my 3 kids here. It's pretty wild here in the foothills of the rockies. My transmission broke today. Could you elaborate?
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What is your favorite thing about living in the woods?
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Yoish! Discovering the ways to use physical training to nurture our nature and release the rapture, landing the muscles minding into the heart of matter and earth is matter
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Does it get scary sleeping alone at night and have you ever been woken up by some animal visitors?
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[–]MickDodge[S] 16 puntos 9 días atrás
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Yoish! The most scary animal are two legged creatures.
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i always hated penguins
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How do you internet?
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Yoish! I walk my way to my base camp. Turn on the computer and do you what you do. Though we are having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to do this now.
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What do you usually eat out there?? Bugs??
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Yoish! I eat food, some times insects, some times pizza. I run three terrains in the earth gum and have explored how to eat in all these terrains.
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How long did it take your feet to get used to going barefoot? I walked home a few days ago with no shoes on and they were sore for days after.
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Yoish! It has taken sixty two years. I am still following them. I just follow them and find my own rhythm, endurance, strength and balance in landing the earth.
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Do you miss human companionship?
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Yoish! Not at all i have lots of companionship.
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How about a significant other? Does that person live with you and travel with you?
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I see your ads on TV all the time! How did National Geographic find and approach you? By the way, your beard is awesome. :)
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You gave up on modern live. Did you also step away from women/sex or have there been "encounters"?
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Yoish! I having been stepping "in and out" of modern living and the wild for sixty two years, all of us have. It is a rhythm "in and out" and "out and in". The key word is the word "and", which tracks and sounds into the word "land". So i land my soles in the three terrains, the walls of the city, through the open fenced lands up into the gated wild and back again, seeking middle earth.
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Have you seen or heard a Bigfoot?
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Yoish! Absolutely, i have seen big foot. Though we call him big toe and he lives over in the seattle and comes out once and awhile.
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Do you really brush your teeth with a pinecone? I just have to know.
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Yoish! When i am out on long training quest, absolutely. When i get back down to my stashes around the walls of the city. I have a tooth brush there. I often use cedar sticks also.
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What's the worst you've had to endure in the wild?
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Yoish! Endurance is one of those physical qualities that have been my training goal. How to endure long journeys. How to endure the cold. In the city walls the most challenging thing for me to endure is the "boredom". The mountain taught me that boredom is two words. "Boring and Dum". So run through the boredom, dodge it and step into the organic organizing reality of movement in the moment.
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I have two questions for you.
  1. In a recent interview I read that you used to teach the practices of the Earth Gym. What is the Earth Gym?
  2. In that same interview you were asked about what you do when you're sick. You said that you have developed a close relationship with fire to use in healing. What are some of the ways that you use fire to heal yourself?
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Yoish! I have been exploring physical fitness all my life. The earthgym for me consist of three terrains, the modern city world, the open fenced lands and the gated wild. So i run these three terrains learning how to create a training hall in each of these three terrains. Movement and habits are formed in habitat. So it has been my "sole purpose" to use physical training to remember, recover and restore my soles to running life with rapture.
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In that same interview you were asked about what you do when you're sick. You said that you have developed a close relationship with fire to use in healing. What are some of the ways that you use fire to heal yourself?
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Yoish! One of the ways i use fire is sweats. Another way is to dance with the fire. I often find that when i get a bit weak, run down. That a good dance with the spirit of fire, pulls me back into the "rapture".
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    How long did it take you to grow that beard?
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    [–]MickDodge[S] 10 puntos 9 días atrás
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    twenty generations
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    Have you ever missed the "modern" world? Where do you expect to be in 5 years?
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    I am always missing it, dodging it. After all i am a Dodge.
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      What do you enjoy most about your lifestyle?
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      Have you ever come close to dying (of hunger, wild animals, weather, etc.) and if so what were the circumstances?
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      Yoish! One of the things that the earth has taught me about hunger, is to run, go on foot and just keep moving, the hunger pains take a back seat. It was amazing how long that i could go on foot and not eat the way that i had learned in domestication.
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      Hi, Mick. I'm a weekend adventurer that spends a lot of time in the city for work. What advice can you offer to someone looking to build practical outdoor survival skills without being totally immersed in the lifestyle?
      Also, what is your favorite hobby?
      Thanks for the AMA.
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      Yoish! Follow your bare soles. The first thing that happens when you step out of shoes, or the shoe box is you have to "pay attention". Then comes "acceptance", learning to accept the habitat and the habits that you have. These two steps, attention and acceptance form into a stride of awareness, and the first thing that you need to be aware of is "shoe salesman" and you are your own best show salesman.
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      What tools do you use in your day to day woodland tasks and which is the most useful?
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      Yoish! I use sticks to leverage my bones and pull me out of chronic conditions formed from domestication. I use ropes to hang in trees and hang the sad and mad in life. When you hang up side down gravity will pull the grin back. My grandfather taught me that. I also use stones to grip and ground into the embrace of the the earth, and i use sacks, to sack and stuff the knowledge and skills that i learn in the gated wild, learn in the walls of modern living and learn in the open fenced lands.
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      surely you are observing everything around you every day ... what changes have you seen in the forest ?
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      Yoish! Not far from my base camp are some "stump lands", cut down, maybe ten years ago to feed the desire of the modern world. I train in these stumps lands, learn how to grow and heal with them, find the ways to help them grow back. I go into the old growth forest to get a feel what they can become again.

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      what a positive and beautiful answer - lesson learned !
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        Hey there Mick Dodge!
        Has there ever been a point in your life that you've regretted being a barefoot sensei?
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        Yoish! The word "sensei" is a japanese word, my sensei in okinawa taught me that it means "one foot ahead". We are all sensei in something. We all have things to share. The word share tracks into the word "care", and when you care about something in your life, gathering the knowledge and skills that you stick in your sack, or your cup, and then "share" it. Knowing when to share and when to empty your sack or cup and learn from others is the meaning of "sensei" to me.

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        I'll be following The Legend of Mick Dodge. I'm really interested.
        Thank you for replying! :)
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        What made you want to live in the wild and is there anything you really miss while you are there?
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        Yoish! Freedom

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        What would you say has been your most meaningful experience in your life?
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        Yoish! I have them every day how to fit my bare soles into the gated wild and how to fit them into the modern world and finding the balance the middle path and have a good time while doing it.
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        The beard, how big is it and how long did it take to grow?
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        Yoish! It is as big as it is and has taken many generations.
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        I just made a post regarding my intention to do something similar to you, and was shown this - uncanny. What would be your most important piece of advice to an aspiring adventurer?
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        Yoish! Stand in your bare soles, take two fingers place them at the corner of your mouth, push your mouth up into a grin, and then get on with it. You have a primal body memory in you, all of us do, go on the adventure and release it. Then share with others what you discover.
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        Life without sneakers is a life I do not want to live
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        Yoish! I know what you mean. I often wear socks, mocks, hand crafted foot wear that fits the shape of my feet. But the sneakiest way to get around is the bare soles.
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        You are adorable.
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